When employee after retirement does not vacate the company accommodation allotted to him during employment, what course of action employer should adopt? Should gratuity be withheld, or civil suit for vacating the property be filed or some other police action be taken?Author provides tangible...
Employers have to exercise abundant caution while engaging trainees and take care that under the guise of training, such persons are not required to perform regularly like permanent employees and no training is imparted.
Principles of Natural Justice: (PNJ), derived from the expression "Jus Natural" of the Roman Law, does not have the force of law as they may or may not form part of statute but they are necessary to be followed.
Pension is a measure of security for old age, inability, and death of the breadwinner. But how the pension of Rs. 5914 after serving 26+2 years of service will help an old person to meet even the minimum of his/her needs is anybody's guess. Such a low amount in this age of high inflation is like...
Law pertaining to reinstatement and back wages is well settled. Reinstatement and back wages is not automatic on setting aside of the termination of service of the Workman by the Court.
A counter affidavit has been filed in the present case on behalf of Union of India. In paragraph 3 (E) it has been stated that a bill was introduced in the Rajya Sabha in the year 1992 seeking amendment in Section 30 of the Advocates Act, 1961 to provide that the provisions of Section 30 cannot...
The Court has come down heavily on the employer, who dispensed with the services of an employee without holding any enquiry. The Court said that the constitution exists for the common man, for the poor and the humble, for those who have businesses at stake, for the butcher, the baker and...