Their life-style has become such that they cannot afford any delay, let alone any loss or cut, in receiving their full pay-packet credited in their bank accounts every month on time. EMIs of their house, car, white goods, children's school fee etc. are linked to their salary credited on time in...
Labour Law
Tall claims have been made by the government that the labour reforms will make the ease of doing business. Hence emphasis was laid on the appointment of 'fixed term employee' who will not have job security like an employee who happened to be a 'workman' under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
The said two provisos and the explanation to the definition of wages are being seen as devoid of reasonability, practicality, necessity and logic; and are likely to open floodgate of their different interpretations and calculations when introduced.
In any case, the miserable life of workers is not going to be over because their targets will always remain high. In any case, the world community will have to raise voice against the excruciating slavery through which the workers have to undergo in China.
All HR professionals are aware that the words misconduct and moral turpitude are not defined anywhere in labour laws. It is clear that the law makers find it difficult to define them precisely. However the model standing orders under the Industrial Employment standing orders Act enumerated the...
In some countries, the governments are financially helping to self-employed women in this time of Corona. in India, this facility is available to all working women for 26 weeks, out of it they can avail, eight weeks before delivery. COVID 19 has, however, posed a very piquant situation for such...
COVID-19 could not help the governments to change the existing labour laws; rather it stunted labour reforms agenda to a corner. It is true that adage history repeats even in case of labour reforms proved correct.
The government of India must, therefore, adopt a pragmatic and proactive attitude to ensure that economy should not be in the whirlwind. It must inform the Supreme Court that the wages for the lockdown period would be borne by the government in the interests of the employees, employers and the...
The author attempts to make out a case in favour of six hours shift working instead of 8 hours or 12 hours to increase employment opportunities and better health care of workers with re adjustment of salaries @ 6 hour working.