More diversity will mean more people from different backgrounds bringing their unique ideas, experiences, minds, and approaches to one table. They have multiple solutions and skills and there is an all-round learning and efficiency enhancement.
Diversity & Inclusion
HR should make sure that business leaders understand that inclusion is about ensuring everyone's voice is heard, opinions are considered and valued.
An organization's leadership must have the will and commitment to make their workplace a DEIworkplace and, most importantly, a concrete plan of action.
When Diversity is embraced by Business heads, it is Business that has shown HR or people orientation.
HR has the key role of creating a culture that focuses on unified work values that tie in with the organizational vision and not to allow lines to be drawn within the firm which might be detrimental to business.
When the reactive approach is used which means that the organization already has a somewhat diverse workforce, the positive aspects are that the organization can actually do an audit or assessment prior to design
workplace flexibility practices.
Organization's vision of diversity should not be one of creating a separate or special privilege which is viewed as an unfair treatment or reservation.
In order to be perceived as a global organization that believes in equal opportunities, organizations must proactively have metrics in place related to the composition of their workforce.
Challenge that HR faces is two-fold. One is to bring about an understanding and awareness within the current employee population pertaining to this segment, and the second is to work in a committed manner to incorporate talent from this set of individuals into the workforce.