Using the leaders language and learning methods, sharing relevant stories, metaphors and experiences are some additional skills that can effectively support aleader to think outside their comfort zone.
Coaching for the Future
It must be linked to business priorities and must feature as part of the bigger picture. Coaching must be contextual and part of organisation's transformational DNA.
Creating a coaching culture is a tough ask. It basically means a culture where the prevailing mindset and behaviours of the organisation are coach-like.
Coaching is a skill that you build expertise by practicing. You can't create a coaching culture without developing an action plan and providing support to make the transition easier on employees.
The best scenario for coaching is when it is viewed as a development opportunity for both the individual and the organisation to stretch out of their comfort zone and achieve greater value to impact individual and business performance.
While there are various 'skills/qualities' that are enlisted by different bodies/organisations, they may not be mutually exclusive or collectively exhaustive. What is important is 'Being Coach' and we may essentially look at and build on the following elements :
The freedom to ask questions to improve the performance at work has facilitated effective communication besides empowerment and accountability within the teams.
Does Coaching really work in organisations and help transform the business? SH In the words of one of my clients, “I’m learning new things about myself and my business in every conversation. The ideas and possibilities this makes available to me was unimaginable.” A proficient...
For any individual who needs feeling of psychological well being and happiness, to make it work and to ensure a feeling of fulfillment, self-efficacy and satisfaction, there exists a need to link it to his competency possessed/competency gaps. This can be done by a performance/leadership/ EI Coach.