To improve the efficiency and profit of any organisation and any individual, a person needs to be in a state where they can give their best to their work, which involves them being in a state where they are- 1. Most receptive to their environmental situations; 2. In a mindset to process the situations which can benefit them the best and; 3. Execute the possible situation at its best. But as responsible adults, responsibilities towards family cannot be denied as well, more than often one might find themselves in situations where our mental, physical and emotional health takes a back seat while we juggle and struggle with work life and personal life.
The main cause of burnout is a lack of self-awareness.
Burnout means running out of resources due to over-exploitation and abuBurnout vs Hard workse of personal resources, and not taking a break for rejuvenation. Hard work is utilizing your resources, for the best outcomes while giving yourself space to rejuvenate as well.
To live a healthy life, we need a balance between our professional (for...
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