Building a Culture of Psychological Safety will be Key

Building a Culture of Psychological Safety will be Key
HR should be a fine balance between head and heart. The people's agenda of an enterprise should be in line with business priorities and HR should challenge businesses, show them opportunities.

What shift do you see today in the talent management landscape regarding attracting, recruiting, and retaining talent in organisations?

RK The war for talent is now forever. There was a time when applicants created a strong positioning and narrative to be a part of an organisation. These days, organisations thoughtfully craft their employer branding and articulate employee value propositions. The expectations of talent at every employee life cycle stage are different and expect a superior employee experience.

What key elements should the organisation’s talent strategy have to remain effective?

RK Organisations need to align their talent strategy with their overall business strategy. The talent strategy must be in the context of business expansion, and organic vs inorganic growth. It becomes imperative to determine the build vs buy ratio of talent for critical roles as well as in senior leadership. An enterprise might be in a phase where buying talent would be a priority considering...

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Rubi Khan

is currently leading talent, learning, OD, and DEI at Luminous. She loves working on end-to-end projects from curating learning frameworks, leadership development, enabling talent bench strength/succession planning, building an inclusive workplace, and leading organizational development projects. What makes her stand apart and add value to her work is the beautiful paradox of her research bent of mind and strong understanding of business needs.

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Rubi Khan

is currently leading talent, learning, OD, and DEI at Luminous. She loves working on end-to-end projects from curating learning frameworks, leadership development, enabling talent bench strength/succession planning, building an inclusive workplace, and leading organizational development projects. What makes her stand apart and add value to her work is the beautiful paradox of her research bent of mind and strong understanding of business needs.

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