The conditions at contemporary workplaces leave employees feeling psychologically and physically drained. Statistics show that 1 in 5 employees experience unbearable stress at the workplace (Spill, 2024). Every 1 in 4 employees at American workplaces are unhappy with the work culture at their organisations (The 2024 NAMI Workplace Mental Health Poll, 2024). Additionally, 33% confirmed that their mental health was affecting their productivity, while 36% reported that their mental health was impacted by job expectations (The 2024 NAMI Workplace Mental Health Poll, 2024). These statistics reveal the inaccessibility of mental health resources, especially in workplaces. Therefore, organisations need to equip their employees with the right psychological and spiritual tools to alleviate the stress they experience at work.
Contemporary times need to incorporate and apply interdisciplinary research done in the fields of Positive Psychology (PP) and Workplace Spirituality (WS) at the organisational level. Positive Psychology (PP) takes the spotlight away from psychopathology which...