As a HR professional, I can perceive a lot of opportunities emerging for us because of this calamity. It is now upon us as how we use this to help our organizations shape the new approach of working. In the current situation, we have seen the appreciable side of technology and how technology became...
Being on a path to value-add to others, prevents us from unnecessary deviations or carelessness that we develop in old roles, familiar territories, or careers. Additionally, those who add value are recognized as Key Contributors and Leaders. Their gains follow, sooner or later.
As HR our actions are oriented towards helping employees and are not merely a lip-service exercise. We cannot reassure one side and do something contradictory on the other side which brings trust deficit between employees & management.
As a HR professional, I can perceive a lot of opportunities emerging for us because of this calamity. It is now upon us as how we use this to help our organizations shape the new approach of working.
Like old currency, overnight, our skills can also fade into oblivion and can make us redundant. Who does not remember the book-keeping days before Book-keeping made them redundant? Or employee rolodexes before databases took over?