A study of present labour laws reveals that gig workers' right to claim employment relation with the aggregators is not pronounced in clear terms. There is no legal definition that provides for the protection of the rights of gig workers.
In a dynamic society full of highly aspirational and impatient millennials in the employment market, a wage should be equally dynamic and satisfactory to the working class. In an ever-changing society, a myth of today may become a reality of tomorrow.
Using social media in respect of one's employment issues may be double edged weapon. It is time for both employers and employees to assess the impact of technology on discipline and take corrective measures.
Layoff Layoffs Layoffs this word is ringing in the ears of people in employment, off the employment more specifically people in IT Sector. It is not merely ringing but reverberating to the utter dismay and shocking of everybody. The reason cited is crisis in IT Sector on account of recession. The...
news item in many dailies highlighted and prominently published which has drawn the attention of professionals and business circles is sacking 300 employees by an IT Company at one go for moonlighting. A debate all over the country on the issue of moonlighting is on and there are people arguing for...
Absorption of Contract Labour and regularization of temporary employees in Public Employment
The Supreme Court in recent times has chosen to discourage the absorption of temporary employees or employees working on daily wage basis in various public sector undertakings.
All HR professionals are aware that the words misconduct and moral turpitude are not defined anywhere in labour laws. It is clear that the law makers find it difficult to define them precisely. However the model standing orders under the Industrial Employment standing orders Act enumerated the...
COVID-19 could not help the governments to change the existing labour laws; rather it stunted labour reforms agenda to a corner. It is true that adage history repeats even in case of labour reforms proved correct.
The article discusses many facets of basic and elementary concept of work/overtime with reference to the statutory provisions under the Factories Act 1948, and also from the human and social perspective.