Author - G.M. Saini

Advocate at Labour & Employment Law, New Delhi


The idea behind the changed provisions on strike in new Labour Codes is clear. The days of frequent strikes are over, though not totally prohibited. Frequent, unreasonable, and illegal strikes have kept the productivity of the industry and growth of the nation very low.

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A lot has been written about new four Labour Codes about its implications and impact on industries and workforce. In this article Author throws light on certain untouched areas of labour codes which seem having element of ambiguity which could have been removed at the earlier stage, confusion and...

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4 days working and its side-effects

We are passing through an era of new changes in many areas and changes in existing archaic labour laws also is contentiously on the anvil. It is hoped that the idea of 4 days working, if so, would be based on a thoughtful consideration of its pros and cons.

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Nominee & Nomination under Social Security Laws

The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948, The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 as well as under voluntary Insurance Policy obtained by the employer for his employees. The Employees Compensation Act, 1923 also requires a dependent from the prescribed list of family members to receive amount of...

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6 hour shift working will generate employment

Their life-style has become such that they cannot afford any delay, let alone any loss or cut, in receiving their full pay-packet credited in their bank accounts every month on time. EMIs of their house, car, white goods, children's school fee etc. are linked to their salary credited on time in...

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A stich in time saves nine

The said two provisos and the explanation to the definition of wages are being seen as devoid of reasonability, practicality, necessity and logic; and are likely to open floodgate of their different interpretations and calculations when introduced.

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February 2025

People Movement

Case Analysis

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