The unification of hundreds of islands as ‘Indonesia’, was an exceptional phenomena. It did however leave certain contentious issues.
India is probably the only culture where a man-woman relationship has been sublimated to an asexual level. It is not only its sublimation but its ritualization that is a matter of higher level of consciousness.
The G20 summit is one such experience which needs to be used to its full potential to project the uniqueness of India.
There are points in time when the individual efforts matter-like putting the ball in the opponents' net-but that too is the outcome of a series of precursor activities.
The Covid experience is but one example of how one seeks to protect oneself from a virus which is yet to be fully programmed. In February 2021, in most parts of the world, the virus was declared dead and yet in a few months' time it came back with a bang.
Falsehood may appear fashionable, but truth and faith in it,arealso as old as the seas. And that is the 'defence' of truth, if any, be needed.
The Indian soldiers fought for and protected the British empire through World War-I and II, and more. What they got in return was an arch on what is now called the ‘Karthavya Path.
Climate change therefore, is amongst other things rewriting the future of human growth. New disciplines will emerge and new lifestyles will be around the corner
Decision making is fundamental to anything living. Vegetables, plants and all living existences in that category, like in any other category, have some decision-making propensities in their very existence. At a basic level their shoots try to reach out, literally, to a space where they can meet the...
It is that patience and openness become a prime attribute of not just growth but survival itself. Composure of the brain and the heart, to talk of just two organs of the human body, is central to having an optimally functioning body.