The recital of the Gita in the middle of a battlefield was more a lesson to Arjuna on the facts of life. Being on the battlefield, it was natural that the realities of birth and death were also touched upon, but there was no parting of the sky or of a 'God' communicating to earth.
It emphasizes a healthy life style rather than the treatment of aberrations like it is done in the case of Allopathic. Somewhere in between there are health care systems like Unani or Siddha, in India.
The transformation from childhood to adulthood, from adulthood to old age, is itself a fascinating process and a subject matter of many disciplines including medicine, physical anthropology, and more.
Towards Pro-active Institution Building and Leadership Creation: Some Reflections
It is at timescorrosive even, to attempt to moderate the way wardness of the key individuals at certain stages of institutions growth. Never-the-less the task cannot be abandoned.
The nature of management education has been changing in the last two decades or so at a faster pace than ever before. The truth of the matter is that the nature of all education is constantly in a dynamic mode, but it changes faster in certain disciplines than others. Taking a comparative view may...
One has to weigh the consequences of the act with the act itself before opening one's mouth. It is not only a personal choice but reality of life that consequences will follow.
Amongst the resources of the sea, there are live resources of marine life, which include everything from the various species of the sea but also the vegetations which have become significant.
It is obvious that our numbers are running into the hundreds of crores. Size becomes important. The media also plays a role. The tremors can be felt, but it is important that they are not excessively disruptive or indiscreet.
This realisation is not new because it led to concepts such as "Dark Ages," 'Renaissance', and more. Again, there is a limitation. The limitation is that the experiences of the dominant power become defining elements of periodization, and what was true for European powers may not be true for what...
That ideology device is no longer apparent. Political parties exist with such ideologies, but they stand marginalised and try to justify their existence through alliances and coalitions. This is a national loss because they put a thrust on the parties and governance in a manner that needs thought.