Author - Dr. Devika Singh

Advocate is Co-Founder & Country Practice Head, Cohere Consultants. A registered practitioner with the Bar Council of India and on the rolls of solicitors of England and Wales, Advocate Devika Singh is a doctorate holder from the VU university, Netherlands and has a Masters in Law from Kings College London for which she was awarded a full scholarship by the DFID, UK.
She aided the drafting and passage of the law on sexual harassment in the workplace in 2013 and the amendment to the Maternity Benefit Act in 2017. She has also been an advisor to the Government of India on laws protecting children from sexual offences, amendments to the IPC, laws on human trafficking and laws to protect women from domestic violence. She recently advised the Parliamentary Select Committee on the Surrogacy Regulation Bill.

December 2024

Work Pressure & Burnout - Dec. 24

People Movement

Case Analysis

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