Manish Gour has been elevated to the position of VP and Head-HR and Operational Excellence in Larsen & Toubro, Heavy Engineering Div. He has confirmed this development through a social media post. Manish has been with the company for the last five years and working as GM& Head -HR &...
A 23-year-old woman from Bandra (E), Mumbai has filed a police complaint against a private company’s HR manager, accusing him of demanding sexual favours in exchange for releasing her deceased father’s provident fund (PF). The incident, which came to light on Wednesday, has sparked outrage and...
Vineet Rai has joined National Engineering Industries (NBC Bearings), a CK Birla group Company at Jaipur as Head of P&A and IR from 20th March. He has confirmed this development to Business Manager. Before joining NBC, Vineet was associated with Hero Motors as Head -HR/ER for about eight years...
Three out of five (60%) students prioritise job security over pay hikes, a stark shift in mindset. For most of them, in-hand salary remained the most valuable salary component, followed by perks and benefits, reveals the annual Unstop Talent Report 2024 released by Unstop, the talent discovery...
Less time spent in meetings would make them more productive; 84% of Indian Employees agree: Survey
March 21, 2024 – The survey ‘Workplace Woes: Meetings Edition’, conducted by Atlassian Corporation a leading provider of team collaboration and productivity software new research report, that highlights findings on the effectiveness of meetings in the modern workplace and the greatest blockers to...
Microsoft India has appointed Arun Kakatkar as General Manager-HR for India and South Asia. He has succeeded Ira Gupta who was associated as HR Head and has quit. In his new role Arun is expected to leverage his multifaceted experience to drive organizational excellence, foster talent development...
Calcutta High Court in Neeta Kumari vs. Union of India &Ors [WPA 29978/2013], held that contractual terms of an employment contract cannot limit and override the entitlement of women to receive benefits under the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. Also read: Forwarded messages in Whtasapp group are...
Madhya Pradesh High Court in I.D. Makrani vs. State of Madhya Pradesh &Ors.[WP No. 8370/2023], while quashing the suspension order of an employee held that merely forwarding a message in a WhatsApp group should not be automatically construed as an expression of the employee’s personal...
Delhi High Court in Management of M/S Colonel Security vs. Seema and Anr [W.P.(C) 2281/2010], re-iterated a settled position of law that temporary absence does not constitute abandonment of a job and to establish abandonment, it must be demonstrated that the employee has left the job with a clear...
Calcutta High Court in Satyajit Ray Film and Television vs. Subhadro Choudhury [MAT 1414/2022], held that the jurisdiction of an Internal Committee (“IC“) under the PoSH Act is limited to determining whether the charges against an employee have been substantiated and if the charges are...