There are a number of books available which contain only the words of the legislation (Bare Acts) and also voluminous tomes which contain discussions of cases on those legislations (commentaries). However for a long time there has been felt a need for a book which strikes a balance between the two...
The book is informative, authentic, dependable and beneficial to all concerned who are interested in updating on labour issues. For every legal professional dealing with labour matters, it is necessary to keep a track on various judgments delivered by Hon’ble Supreme court and various High...
The book contains all these codes in well designed way. Govt. in a series of bringing labour reforms has brought out four labour codes by subsuming existing 29 labour laws. The four codes have become Acts. These are The Code on wages, 2019, The Industrial Relations Code, 2020, The Code on Social...
The book will be very useful to the bankers, economists and students pursuing studies on Indian banking and other financial sectors. “Restoring TRUST in Governance: India’s 2020’s challenge” is M G Warrier’s third book with focus on banking and finance. As economic...
The knowledge contained in the book would be of immense value to anyone in leading their future life irrespective of what stage of life one is, at present as one can look forward to the next stage of life and be prepared to face its ups and downs. Though the book is about learning in life but it is...
The way she presented as if she was the only well wisher of Nisha, talked so politely and friendly with intimacy or the other side where she hide the important information to create blocks that could have helped Nisha to show her performance?
Raman asked self that whether his value system under which he was born and brought up was wrong and not relevant in present day life? When Raman started this morning from home for office, he decided firmly that today was going to be his last day in the company. He would go and resign. Yesterday he...
A discharge simpliciter is also a termination of service which does not fall within the ambit of four exceptions and therefore discharge simpliciter can be treated as a retrenchment. COVID19 has posed unprecedented challenges for industries across the world including India. The colossal impact of...
Many times team leaders bounced back on them who raised the queries and expected guidance and solutions which resulted into increasing disengagement and absence from work among team members.
The pandemic will compel the business world to take a fresh look at how business was done pre- covid and bring required changes not in processes but also in approach. Inability to adapt to new order will certainly wipe out many from the scene. Our lives can change very quickly. The current crisis...