This book is for high-potential managers and leaders who step into the world of work, sometimes without knowing how to work. This book is for high-potential managers and leaders who step into the world of work, sometimes without knowing how to work. These talented men and women seem to scurry...
In case of Society or Trust - every person who was in charge at the time of commission of offence, or the person who was responsible for conduct of the business of the society at the time of commission of offence shall be deemed guilty of the offence.
Empathetic influence is this decades most critical human and scientifically validated skillset. Empathetic influence is this decade’s most critical human and scientifically validated skillset. The ability to connect authentically as people has the power to not only change our business...
We live in a world of contradictions. Paradox is a central dimension of the life in organisation. Decision-making in organisations is becoming more and more paradoxical with the increasing amount of uncertainty and stress in the environment, shifting priorities and conflicting objectives. We...
Prem was not agreed but unable to put forth his view and simply kept quiet as others did. He could visualize the problems coming in his way once the decision is announced. For Prem, HR Head of Life Line Hospital, it was not a good day. In the morning meeting, MD of the Hospital, Ketanbhai shah...
There are a number of books available which contain only the words of the legislation (Bare Acts) and also voluminous tomes which contain discussions of cases on those legislations (commentaries). However for a long time there has been felt a need for a book which strikes a balance between the two...
The book is informative, authentic, dependable and beneficial to all concerned who are interested in updating on labour issues. For every legal professional dealing with labour matters, it is necessary to keep a track on various judgments delivered by Hon’ble Supreme court and various High...
The book contains all these codes in well designed way. Govt. in a series of bringing labour reforms has brought out four labour codes by subsuming existing 29 labour laws. The four codes have become Acts. These are The Code on wages, 2019, The Industrial Relations Code, 2020, The Code on Social...
The book will be very useful to the bankers, economists and students pursuing studies on Indian banking and other financial sectors. “Restoring TRUST in Governance: India’s 2020’s challenge” is M G Warrier’s third book with focus on banking and finance. As economic...
The knowledge contained in the book would be of immense value to anyone in leading their future life irrespective of what stage of life one is, at present as one can look forward to the next stage of life and be prepared to face its ups and downs. Though the book is about learning in life but it is...