Author - Business Manager

Corporate lessons from covid-19

The pandemic will compel the business world to take a fresh look at how business was done pre- covid and bring required changes not in processes but also in approach. Inability to adapt to new order will certainly wipe out many from the scene. Our lives can change very quickly. The current crisis...

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Time to reinvent and look automation

If no business is happening due to nationwide lockdown and covid-19 scenario and the company is not earning money or making profits, then it makes no sense for him to pay monthly salary to the employees irrespective of the ground reality or emergency scenario outside. 1-The CMD is purely business...

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Dealing with masked leadership

Corporate world is full of diverse act and deeds. Leadership behaviour and the approach towards the leading team make the difference .People at the apex level occupy the leadership position by way of their own intellectual attributes or some time by way of legacy. Corporate world is full of diverse...

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Creating a post covid people strategy

Need for these capabilities will become foundational to experience creation, and the speed at which companies can – and, increasingly must – respond to them will become sources of competitive advantage. The global COVID-19 pandemic has fast become the biggest global event of our...

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Working in a comfort zone?

Most of the teams comprising technicians and engineers remain in field for on the spot servicing of gen sets. Such teams are controlled by area supervisor who reports to particular service head of his region. Outlets/ offices of the company mainly contribute to service function but support sales of...

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