Author - Business Manager

Recalibrating HR Post Covid

It will be an exciting challenge for HR to ensure that ‘out of sight’ employees do not become ‘out of mind’ employees. Cover Story Experts are here to talk about the areas and challenges HR is expected to face in new work world with changing work profiles and how to recalibrate its policies and...

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The Middle Riddle

The cover story of this edition is an attempt to decode this middle riddle and way forward to strengthen the middle managers by industry experts who all have passed through and felt the heat and real challenges of this segment.

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Managing by Perception

He used to reach the dealers and showrooms early and asked loan executives to be at workplace before time so that before customers start getting in, they should finish the daily morning meeting. He also built pressure on dealers to help and cooperate in achieving targets, which some resisted.

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HR 360° Best Once of Covid Time

December edition is a collector’s issue. The edition contains fourteen best interviews and articles of HR experts on different subjects published during covid time. It was very difficult for us to select few jewels from the crown keeping in mind the space constraint as each one published in...

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Humanizing the Tech

This edition cover story ‘Humanizing the Tech’ is an attempt to explore and identify the ways of keeping technology humanized to serve its purpose better for HR function. HR experts of the subject have brought diversified views for you on the subject.

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Skill Set For Managing Resources

The current business trend is seriously hunting for techniques and tools to finding solutions to some more pressing issues of start-ups in the ace of break-even cost for a sustainable leadership position in the market. All start-ups may not succeed and may end up with failure. A break-even point...

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Quest For Management Excellence

Our civilization is at crossroads. It is brightened by unprecedented technological advances and blighted by murderous strife and unsustainable development. In the book “Quest for Management Excellence” by renowned management thinker Dr. Pradip N. Khandwalla argues that the way forward...

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September 2024

Workplace Conflict - Sept. 2024

People Movement

Case Analysis

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