Author - Business Manager

Leaders Out of Crisis

To understand how leaders should lead out of crisis and press ‘re-set’button work on business priorities and impact of changed labour regulations, we decided to bring out the joint mega issue by merging Nov. and Dec. 20 issue in one.

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Coaching for the Future

Since pandemic has changed the way business organizations work resulting in to remote working, hybrid work places with WFH, Coaching for the future has also to be changed accordingly to meet the requirements. Virtual coaching which will be more required in coming times, it will have its own...

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Work-Life Balance in Pandemic

This edition cover story on work life balance in pandemic is an attempt to understand the issue from its depth, what employees and organisations can do to achieve the balance and possible future of this factor after pandemic. The veteran HR leaders who are at the helm of the affairs in their...

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HR-Back to People!

This edition cover story takes you to a journey of this transformation where how HR and business leaders have brought the people agenda back in focus. Industry HR doyens and experts share their experiences and vision on how HR should now take on for building a better future.

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September 2024

Workplace Conflict - Sept. 2024

People Movement

Case Analysis

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