Author - Business Manager

Workforce of Future: Jobs & Skills

This time cover story is all about synthesizing the workforce of future, impact of technology on people and jobs, future skills people will be required to possess at faster speed and all this has been done very intelligently by renowned HR experts of the country. There is a lot of learning for all.

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I have not pointed about skill set and traits, successful CEOs should have and mistakes they should avoid, because these all along with other dimensions of CEO leadership have been thoroughly presented by experts in their articles/views with interesting examples in the cover story of this edition.

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Agile HR

The cover story of this issue is about Agile HR, where Industry HR leaders have shared their experiences, pros and cons, benefits and challenges for making HR function agile. A complete guide indeed!

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WOMEN HR Leaders

Our anniversary issue is about celebrating the growth and success of women in HR. The women HR leaders who have occupied the cover page this year have done a lot in life and career and each one has an inspiring story for all of us to learn for.

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HR in Power Sector

The cover story of this edition is all about what is happening in HR in power sector, what is required to be done to stay relevant and how organisations are doing better in this domain and making a good HR business case.

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Gig Work & Worker

HR professionals need to find answers of the questions, create a fine balance between business needs and gig workers growth with welfare and social security. This edition cover story is on this emerging trend where experts attempt to find answers of intriguing questions and making a road map of...

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Disruptive HR Trends of 2019

The last edition of this year throws light on many such HR trends that have captured or disrupted in the whole year. Experienced Industry and HR professionals share their thoughts on it to pave the way of future as to where we are heading and how to move on.

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Important Labour Judgment 2019

This edition is annual compilation of all important labour judgments delivered and published in various journals during last year. Our team works throughout the year for this edition. Apart from this, edition also carry a special feature on HR Focus-2020, about which experts have attempted to...

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