Generally people work for those who matter to them, the most. Professionals can take a step ahead and question themselves as to how they can leverage their strengths to serve the needs of those people who matter the most to them and listen to the knock within.
- Maharashtra Government Revises Minimum Wages for January 2025
- The Chhattisgarh Shops and Establishments (Regulation of Employment and conditions of service) Act w.e.f. 13.02.2025
- Assam Revises Minimum Wages w.e.f. 01/06/2024
- Rajasthan Private Security Agencies Regulation Amendment Rules 2024
- Employees deposit linked Insurance Scheme (second amendment) 2024 dated 18.11.24 made effective from 28.04.2024
- Revised Haryana Minimum Wages from 1.07.2024
- Delhi Minimum Wages Rates Revised w.e.f. 01-10-2024