“BUSINESS MANAGER” is the only HR Magazine of its kind which stands on the different platform of authenticity & reliability being owned and edited by renowned HR expert of the country.-Anil Kaushik
“Business Manager” started in May 1998 has made its own place not only on the table of the HR fraternity of the country but also in hearts of thousands of management professionals, Industrialists , academicians, management institutes and management students.
“BUSINESS MANAGER” magazine is totally focused on HR/IR issues carry the central idea of making HR managers fully equipped to deal with practical problems while at work. This is a professional publication coming out with interesting material month after month.

Anil Kaushik, A Management thinker, Educator, Motivator, Guest Speaker of Management Institutes, Consultant, author of labour law books and President of Indian HR Forum, with about three decades of deep rooted understanding, Floor experience and research in HRM Area and Training has led many organizations to a path of productivity, performance and profits with business linked HR strategies.
The power lies in the contents of the magazine mostly contributed by best brains of the industry and academics.
- Latest articles on management, Labour Laws and HRD.
- Latest news and views on current topics of HRD and Labour Laws.
- HR Professionals in News.
- Experience based informative matter.
- Helpline- Day to day Man-Management problems and their ready-in-hand solutions and suggestions.
- Review of latest Management books.
- Latest amendments and notifications pertaining to Labour Laws.
- Court judgments influencing Industrial Relations in easy to understand language in capsule form.
- Case study and Analysis.
Distinguished HR brains have made this magazine the most respected and widely read HR document month after month which serves them as solution finder while at workplace.