With industrial development on rise regularly after independence, disputes and conflicts between employers and employees have naturally become the order of the day. Problems relating to strike, lock-outs, lay-off, closure, suspension, retrenchment, dismissal disciplinary proceedings, reinstatement, wages and allowances, bonus, gratuity, etc. need expeditious solutions. Many Industrial and Labour Legislations have been enacted by the Central and the State Governments for the welfare of labour and industry. Both employers and employees must understand their statutory rights and obligations.
The judicial pronouncements by the Supreme Court and High Courts are reported in numerous official and non-official journals and Government Gazettes and the like with the result that their quick reference is a difficult and tedious affair. To facilitate this, we have brought forth this publication ‘Labour Law Digest (2023)’ in continuation of our earlier Labour Law Digests from 1923 to 2022. The compilation is exhaustive and has been edited by eminent authors in a lucid, concise, and easily understandable style for ready reference.
The main object of this book is to place before the employers, employees, trade unions and those concerned with labour and industrial disputes, an analytical study of the latest cases on topics such as Award, Bonus, Punishment, Disciplinary Proceeding, Gratuity, Lay-off, Lock-out, Retrenchment, Strike, Wages under various industrial enactments like the Industrial Disputes Act, Factories Act, Minimum Wages Act, Employees’ Compensation Act, etc. The topics have been alphabetically arranged. An exhaustive list of contents of the subject dealt with is given at the beginning of the book, and parallel references to different law journals and reports have also been given. A consolidated table of all the cases digested is given.
This book also contains a Comparative Table of the 4 new Labour Codes comparing the new sections with the corresponding old sections of the old Labour Legislations.
The book will be of guidance and assistance to all connected with Industrial and Labour laws and provide ready in hand reference.
Authors : V.K. Kharbanda & Vipul Kharbanda
Publisher : Law Publishing House, 39, Sheo Charan Lal Road, Allahabad-211 003
Price : Rs. 1250/-
Website : www.lphindia.com
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