Gender Equality : An Uphill Task for Generations

Gender Equality : An Uphill Task for Generations
First, you need to accept the ground reality of workplace that women are not treated equally even in terms of pay and compensation, identify the issues, only then there can be a move towards providing a bias-free work environment to women.

What are the most significant challenges/barriers that women face in today’s workplace? What has been your experience?

GD Gender Pay Gap : Women earn less than men for the same work. We have seen examples of it in various industries. According to the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, it will take 257 years to close the global gender pay gap if we continue with the current pace of change. Now that’s an uphill task for many generations to come.

Mindset : Bias in hiring, promotion, and evaluation processes can hinder women’s career advancement. Many people still operate with the old mindset and think that women’s primary responsibility is home and kids’ management and hence they are not taken seriously for important responsibilities.

Sexual Harassment and Discrimination : Women are more likely to experience these behaviours, creating a hostile work environment. The recent incident at Kolkata at a medical college...

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Gauri Das

currently is Sr. Vice President with India Factoring and Finance Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (A member of FIMB Bank Group). Gauri is an engineer turned HR Professional with double Master in Human Resources and Psychology. She is TEDx speaker, author and has won multiple HR awards. She is co-author of the book- The Power of Connections.

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Gauri Das

currently is Sr. Vice President with India Factoring and Finance Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (A member of FIMB Bank Group). Gauri is an engineer turned HR Professional with double Master in Human Resources and Psychology. She is TEDx speaker, author and has won multiple HR awards. She is co-author of the book- The Power of Connections.

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