All about chemistry!

All about chemistry

In the era of continuous technological advancements where technical skills life span is becoming shorter, and professionals are advised to upgrade themselves, the people skills at the workplace keep the professionals different and most valuable. Actually, people skills are invaluable. It can be said to be an advanced version of basic human qualities. To make a career future-proof, everyone needs to strengthen their people skills. It is certain that most of the tasks, presently professionals are performing, will either be replaced by machines or robots. If the tasks are cognitive, AI can take care and if it is manual, Robots can perform. But machines are not going to understand the person’s mood and environment around him to respond in a human way to directly connect with the person seeking a solution to the problem.

Developing skills of trusting relationship, empathy, compassion, adaptability, listening, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking cannot be done by AI tools or robots. Professionals need to hone such skills continuously. Since these skills in a person are deeply rooted through a value-based system brought in from school age and home environment. There can be challenges to work on developing and strengthening such skills at the workplace because it is the mindset that plays a crucial role. Using technology in every sphere of life from home to the office unconsciously makes a person’s mindset of expecting everything on his command and develops a lack of listening skills.

A stressful work environment also brings down the empathy in a person because stress overshadows sensitivity. If the work environment is less stressful, and people-oriented, with flexible working hours giving space employees need to maintain a work-life balance, professional managers may conveniently strengthen their people skills.

The mindset of tech skills and people skills is quite different. While the approach of tech managers, in the long run, becomes of viewing things in black and white that there is nothing wrong, the approach while applying people skills cannot be the same. It can be in between black and white also. The difference in tech and people skills can be described as that while tech skills can be developed based on mathematics, developing people skills needs chemistry.

The managers, who are strong in interpersonal skills, and decision-making, have control on impulse, and are optimistic would have more chances to grow faster in leadership positions because these are vital to keeping an organization moving forward.

This edition cover story is about understanding the importance of people skills, the need for strengthening, and challenges in the route by industry experts and HR leaders.

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Happy Reading

Anil Kaushik

A Management thinker, Educator, Motivator, Guest Speaker of Management Institutes, Consultant, author of labour law books and President of Indian HR Forum, with about three decades of deep rooted understanding, Floor experience and research in HRM Area and Training has led many organizations to a path of productivity, performance and profits with business linked HR strategies.

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